Checking off the peace-of-mind boxTM 
To view our video on special needs
planning/public benefits, click here.

I began doing special needs planning in the fall of 2011 with a colleague whose son has
Autism. We began giving educational workshops to families that have a child with special
needs discussing the importance of doing holistic planning that plans for the parents and
child alike. Most families I found really have no concrete plan in place for their child nor
are they aware of how estate planning, financial planning, and public benefits should
intersect together. Over the years I've now been a part of 50+ seminars to families
including for the Northeast Arc, North Shore Education Consortium, Hopeful Journey's, North
Reading SEPAC, Lexington SEPAC, NAMI, and many other groups and organizations. The past few
years I've been especially passionate about the Down syndrome community, as my
brother-in-law Alex has Downs, we couldn't be prouder of him and all he's accomplished! I
currently sit on the Massachusetts Down Syndrome Congress Business Advisory Council.
Articles We’ve Had Published on Special Needs
Special Needs Planning